Episode 1

Published on:

3rd Sep 2020

Freedom of Speech with Michael Goldwater - The Shape of Dialogue #1

An investigation into freedom of speech and why it's so important. In this episode I'll discuss why and how freedom of speech is a fundamental principle for societies to function at their best.

Music: Kyrie from Bach B Minor Mass conducted by Sir John Eliot Gardiner

Buy it here: https://music.apple.com/gb/album/mass-in-b-minor-bwv-232-cum-sancto-spiritu/1053521016

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Show artwork for The Shape of Dialogue

About the Podcast

The Shape of Dialogue
For the inquisitive mind
The Shape of Dialogue podcast focuses on the foundational principles that make societies function at their best. It initially started with an investigation into free speech, it continues to discuss relevant and interesting topics about our world and how best to navigate through it.
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